

What is the area of cylindrical?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: What is the area of cylindrical?
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Does a flat worm or a cylindrical worm have a higher surface area to volume ratio?

Flatworms have a higher surface area/volume ratio compared to a cylindrical worm, this is one of the reasons for flatworms to have the structure they do.

What is the square inches of a cylindrical ring?

Diameter multiplied by pi multiplied by the height is the area of a cylinder. If your looking for a cylindrical ring, like a dougnut, then compute the area of the smaller cylinder (the hole) and subtract this from the area of the larger cylinder (the doughy goodness)

Why do plants grow in a cylindrical shape?

Biggest surface area to volume ratio.

How do you find the surface area of a cylindrical prism?

times leagth times weith

How do you find the volume of a cylindrical prism?

Volume = cross-section area*length

How do you find the volume of cylindrical object?

Volume = cross-sectional area times height

How do you determine the area of a cylindrical box?

To determine the area of a cylindrical box, you need to calculate the sum of the areas of its curved surface and its two circular bases. The formula for the curved surface area is given by 2πrh, where r is the radius of the base and h is the height of the box. The formula for the area of the circular base is πr^2. Add the two areas together to get the total surface area of the cylindrical box.

What is the surface area of a cylinder with a diameter of 12 and a height of 15?

The area of the cylindrical part of the surface is equal to the perimeter of the base multiplied by the height. The perimeter of a circle with diameter 12 is pi times the diameter; therefore, the area of the cylindrical part of the surface is 12 X 15 X pi = 5.6 X 102. (Only two significant digits are justified, since there are only two in the primary data.) Sometimes the surface area is considered to include the upper lower bases of the cylinder along with the cylindrical area. The area of a circle is pi multiplied by the square of the radius, which is half the diameter. (12/2)2 X pi = 1.1 X 102. If both bases are added to the cylindrical area, the total area is 7.8 X 102, to the justified number of significant digits.

Would a spherical protist or a cylindrical protist have a higher surface area to volume ratio?

A spherical protist would have a higher surface area to volume ratio compared to a cylindrical protist of the same size. This is because a sphere has the smallest surface area for a given volume, making it more efficient in terms of nutrient exchange and waste removal.

What is the tagalog of cylindrical?

Tagalog of cylindrical: mabilog

How despunning is achieved in despun antenna?

despun antenna is used in spin stabilization of cylindrical shaped satellite in which this abtenna is mounted on the top of the cylindrical satellite and the cylindrical body of the satellite keeps spinning around its vertical axis while the despun antenna on the body keeps following the specific area on the surface of the earth.

Why is electrical cable cylindrical?

Electrical cables are cylindrical in shape because this design helps to provide protection to the conductors inside from external factors such as physical damage and environmental elements. Additionally, the cylindrical shape allows for easier installation and handling of the cables.