The average age for marriage in the USA, is 27 for women and 29 for men. It fluctuates with years.
Average score is not age dependent. The average score is 100, with about 69% falling between 85 and 115.
Men stop growing at the age from 17-21, for females it's 15-18. - Jatt punjabi.
average IQ of a human..... (not just men...) is 100. picked as an artificial average to allow to differentiate between those above and below.
It is probably about 160 for men and 140 for women.
The average age for women is around 41 years old, while the average age for men is around 39 years old. These ages may vary depending on the specific population or region being considered.
The average age for men is 77 years and the average for women is 82 years :)
The average age of marriage for men in the United Kingdom is 30.8 years of age. For women in that nation, the average age is 28.9 years old.
The average age of marriage in Alabama is 24 for women and 25. 5 for men. In the District of Columbia was 29 for women and 30 for men.
The average age for marriage in the USA, is 27 for women and 29 for men. It fluctuates with years.
The average age for marriage in the USA, is 27 for women and 29 for men. It fluctuates with years.
20 years old.
men at 78 and women at 81.
On average, men want to start a family around age 26-30, according to research and surveys. This age range may vary based on cultural, societal, and personal factors.
it can be 18 to 30 average age of woman to marry.