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Q: What is the average professional typist speed word per minute wpm reaches to?
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How many words can a typist type in 12 minutes if she types at a rate of 70 words per minute?

it's a math problem, i think. 12 minutes * 70 words/minute = 840 words

What is the appropriate number of words per minute should you type?

Like any such question it depends. Base: average person hand writes at about 33 words/min. A study in 1999 by Karat C.M., Halverson C., Horn D. and Karat J. split average people in three groups, "fast" typists, this would be your average typist, even professional typists, average around 40 word per minute (wpm) "moderate" around 35 and "slow" typists around 23 wpm. That said, some data entry jobs, especially time-sensitive data-entry jobs require that employees type at around 80-90wpm. It is rare, but there are typists who exceed 120wpm, and i think the record still stands from 1946 at a pretty staggering 212 wpm. (Note: word is standardized to 5 characters)

If two typists can type two pages in five minutes how many typists will it take to type twenty pages in 10 minutes?

If two typists type 2 pages in 5 minutesIn 1 minute they will type 2/5pagestherefore 2 typists type 2/5 pages in 1 minute1 typist will type (2/5)/2 pages in 1 minute(he will type less)=1/5 pages.... eqn 1x typists type 20 pages in 10 minutesin 1 minute they will type 20/10 pages=2 pagestherefore x typists type 2 pages in 1 minute1 typist will type 2/x pages............eqn 2equating eqn 1 and 2 gives 2/x=1/5therefore x =10 typists

Is Mary is a secretary and a fast typist a conditional statement?

If Mary is a Secretary, then she can type fast.

A typist can finish a 200- world article in 5 minutes at the same rate how long will it take her to type a 5 400-word report?

200 words (not world, presumably) in 5 minutes is 200/5 = 40 words per minute. So 5400 words would take 5400/40 = 135 minutes or 2 hours 15 minutes,

Related questions

What is the average speed for professional typist?

The average speed for a professional typist is around 50-70 words per minute. High proficiency typists can exceed 100 words per minute. Typing speed can vary depending on factors such as typing technique, familiarity with the keyboard layout, and accuracy.

What is the average speed for professional typist per minute?

In my experiance it tends to be above at least 60 words per minute. Second answer: Professional typists usually type at 50-80 words per minute.

What is average professional typist speed word per minute?

The average person types 40 words per minute. Professionals may reach 80/90 and advanced typists up to 120

Who is the fastest typist ever recorded and how many per minute did she type?

Barbara Blackburn is the fastest typist on record, at 150 words per minute for 50 minutes.

Who is the fastest typist ever recorded and how words per minute did she type?

Barbara Blackburn is the fastest typist on record, at 150 words per minute for 50 minutes.

How is a typist's average gross speed calculated and what is the unit of measure?

A typist's average gross speed is calculated by dividing the total number of characters typed by the total time taken to type them, then converting it to words per minute (wpm) as the unit of measure.

Who is the fastest typist ever recorded and many words per minute did she type?

Barbara Blackburn is the fastest typist on record, at 150 words per minute for 50 minutes.

How do you calculate net words per minute?

Net words per minute is determined by measuring a typist's average gross speed in words per minute over a ten-minute period and subtracting the number of errors made during that period.

Who is the fastest typist ever recorded and how many words per minute can she type?

The fastest typist ever recorded is Barbara Blackburn, who can type 212 words per minute with an accuracy level of about 95%.

How many words per minute can a fast typer type?

A professional typist types a lot of words per minute because their jobs depend on it. Many type between 60 and 75 words per minute if not more. It is possible to build your typing speed by practicing and taking advantage of speed typing tests.

Who is fastest typist ever recorded?

Barbara Blackburn, with a top words per minute of 212

Who is The Fastest Typist Every Recorded And How Many Words Per Minute Did She Type?

Barbara BlackBurn