30 km/h
If average for whole trip is 40mph, the trip will take 30 mins. If he has done 10 miles at 25mph this will have taken 10/25 of one hour = 24 mins, so he has 6 mins left to do 10 miles. This requires a speed of 100mph.
164 ÷ .20 = 820.
164 x .2 = 32.8 164 - 32.8 = 131.20
If you go 20 miles in 14 minutes your average speed is 85.71 miles per hour.
The overall average speed for the entire trip is not simply the average of 20 km/h and 30 km/h because Abdul spends more time at the slower speed. To calculate the overall average speed, you need to consider the total distance traveled and total time taken for the entire trip.
30 km/h
This is a trick question and the only possible answer is "it can't be done". In order to average 40MPH over 20 miles, the entire trip has to last 30 minutes (MPH=miles/hours). At the halfway point, which is 10 miles, at 20MPH it already took 30 minutes to get there, so there is no way to "make up for lost time" - no matter how fast you go, you can't average 40MPH on the trip. Even if you somehow were magically able to travel at the speed of light for the remaining 10 miles, which is 670,616,629MPH, your average speed of the trip would be only 39.999999881MPH, not quite 40MPH.
If average for whole trip is 40mph, the trip will take 30 mins. If he has done 10 miles at 25mph this will have taken 10/25 of one hour = 24 mins, so he has 6 mins left to do 10 miles. This requires a speed of 100mph.
How many gallons of gas used is irrelevant to the question as is the cost of this fuel. the answer is 1520 miles to California in 20 hours equals 76 miles per hour that is the average speed of the trip 1520/20 = 76
Assume the trip to be 60km. Outward leg takes 3 hrs, homeward leg takes 2 hrs. Total distance 120km in 5 hours ie 24 kph.
(20+40)/2=30 kph
Meerkats average speed is about 20 mph
164 ÷ .20 = 820.
1260 miles/ 20 =63 mph. Divide the distance (miles) by the time and you end up with mph (miles x time)
164 x .2 = 32.8 164 - 32.8 = 131.20
If you can swim 20 laps around the track in 2 hours what is the average speed