The average speed of that particular vehicle is precisely 65 kilometers per hour.
195 km
The average speed is 120 miles per hour.
It is 76 km per hour.
150/2.5 = 60 km per hour
Both the speed and velocity have increased as a result of acceleration.
195 km
65km per hour equates to 18.06 meters per second.
Need to know the average speed you are traveling.
The driver checks the average speed of the car, which is the distance per hour is going. Average speed is the constant speed something is traveling at.
Your average speed is 32 miles per hour.
The average speed is 120 miles per hour.
212 miles per hour.
It is 76 km per hour.
Apollo traveled to the moon at an average speed of about 3,600 miles per hour.
Speed and velocity have both changed.
150/2.5 = 60 km per hour
The average speed of a space shuttle in orbit around Earth is approximately 17,500 miles per hour (28,000 kilometers per hour).