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Depends on the aircraft. Some old, propeller driven aircarft managed just over 100 mph wheras modern military aircraft can travel at several thousand mph.

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Q: What is the average speed of aircraft?
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What is the average speed of an aircraft at touchdown?

It depends on the aircraft. The average speed of a Cessna at touchdown is lower than the average speed of an Airbus 380. 200 KM average or it may be less if pilot is expertise.

What is the average speed of a private jet?

The average aircraft can go 600 miles per hour.

What is the top speed of a Concorde aircraft?

Concorde have an average cruise speed of Mach 2.02 (about 2,140 km/h or 1,330 mph) with a maximum cruise altitude of 18,300 metres (60,000 feet), more than twice the speed of conventional aircraft. The average landing speed was 298 km/h (185 mph, 160 knots).

What is the speed of large aircraft on take off in kms?

This varies depends on the size of the plane. A smaller aircraft like Cessna would need a very less take-off speed than a Boeing. The average take-off speed is 280kmph.

What is the average air speed of a military jet?

It depends on what aircraft it is. For instance : The X-15 is the fastest manned aircraft in the world, traveling at mach 6.72The SR-71 Blackbird is the fastest airplane in the world, traveling at 3.2.Average speed of a jet is 850-900km/hr

What is the minimum speed of an airplane and the average speed of an airplane?

Simply put, the minimum speed for all aircraft is Vs, the speed below which the wings cannot produce sufficient lift for level flight. You can further refine the answer by discussing Vmcg and Vmca which relate to multi-engine aircraft. These are the minimum controllable speeds on the ground and in the air (respectively) with an engine out and the other engines at maximum power. As for average speed, I'm not sure what you're after here, but one might say that the "average" speed of an aircraft would be the best speed at which it cruises. Cruise speeds are a function not only of aerodynamics, but of cost efficiencies as well and are determined by each operator according to its needs.

How can an aircraft reduce the speed in the air?

during flight aircraft reduce speed by spoiler

What is the maximum height of an airplane and the average speed of an airplane?

Every aircraft has a different height, and there are so many it is impossible to say an average speed. Most airliners cruise around 580-640 mph.

You flew 800 miles from chicago to New york in 2 hours and 30 minutes How fast was my aircraft going?

Your aircraft's average speed for the 800 miles was 320 mph.

What is the average cruising speed and altitude of an Airbus?

The average cruising speed of an airbus varies by the type of the aircraft, it is generally between 450-537 mph. Again the same can be said for the cruising altitude depending on aircraft and route, as a general rule it is between 36,000ft and 39,000ft (the service ceiling (ie the max cruising altitude) of some airbus aircraft is 41,000ft). Hope this helps.

What is the average speed of a regional jet?

The average speed of a regional jet is typically around 500-600 mph (800-965 km/h), depending on factors such as wind conditions, altitude, and weight of the aircraft.

What is an aircraft's speed controlled by?

the speed of the engines