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That depends on how big of a deck you're building. Just multiply the length by the width.

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Q: What is the average square footage for a wood deck?
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What is the average cost per square foot to have a contractor build a deck in Iowa?

In Iowa, the average cost to have a contractor build a composite deck is $25.00 per square feet. The average cost to build a wood deck is $33.00 per square feet.

What is the square foot price to build a deck?

It really depends on the kind of wood and the size of the deck

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Assuming your measurement is in feet - 400 square feet of timer.

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Linear footage is a one dimensional measurment. Board footage is volume. one board foot is 1 inch thick by 12 inches square. 1" x 12" x 12" = 144 cubic inches of wood or one board foot.

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Where can I find wood deck plans online?

Wood deck plans are available online or through a retailer. You can purchase wood deck plans individually or as part of a book. Wood deck plans are even available as e-books! It is not necessary to consult a landscape architect to access wood deck plans.

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Is a wood deck on the ground safe?

It is very safe to have a wood deck on the ground. And the termites will eventually destroy the deck, but not for several decades if, when building the deck, the builder uses preserved, treated wood.

What is the average labor cost to build a deck?

Of coarse it depends on your location. Here in North Eastern PA The average is $16-$20 per square foot, depending on the county, township, or city you are in. It costs roughly $11-$13 for the materials and contractors average about $5-$8 per square foot for labor, not including steps. For example, my company charges approximately $18 per square foot to build a deck. If you wanted a 10x10 deck built, that's 100 sq ft. 100 sq ft x $18 = $1800 plus any stairs that may need to be built.