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60 cm

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Q: What is the average stride distance in cm for a person 6 foot 2 inches tall?
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Walking distance of a person's stride?

an average adult is about 30 inches, children shorter and depending on age

Average stride length?

For adult females, the average step length is about 26 inches and the average stride length is around 52 inches. For adult males, the average step length is 31 inches and the average stride is 62 inches.

Is there a relationship between height and stride?

There is a rough estimate. take your height in inches and multiply by 0.413 if you are a woman and 0.415 if you are a man. Using this method the average stride length for a man is 28.8 inches and for a woman 26.35 inches

Average walking stride man 6 foot tall?

27 to 28 inches

Would a stride length of twenty inches on an elliptical be suitable for a person of 5' 3?

As long as it is comfortable for you. I am 5'1", and I use a stride of about 17-18"

How many steps equals 80 feet?

it would all depend on your stride. a person's stride of 24 inchs yields 40 steps for 80 feet while a person's stride of 36 inches yields 16.6 steps for 80 feet

Average stride length for woman 5 foot 7 inches?

estimated average length of step for 62 yr old female that 5'7"

Is stride a standard unit of length?

No, "stride" is not a standard unit of length. It refers to the distance covered by a single step when walking or running, and can vary depending on a person's height and gait.

What distance would you cover with one long step?

Twice the length of half a big step. There is no answer for this, as a big step for a baby might be 10cm, but for an adult male sprinter could be 10m, or for a cheetah could be as much as 30m.

How do you spell stride?

That is the correct spelling of "stride" (distance of step, or to take long steps).

What is the average length of a human step?

According to one study, the average length of an adult stride was 2.58 feet (31 inches), heel to heel, while for adult women it was only 2.16 feet (26 inches). The average even for an individual can vary by habits such as how far you stretch your walk. A point to make this is that even though you might be able to find a general average for people, it can vary a lot from person to person. This is because an average made from a large number of people can be very different from its extremes.

What is the distance of Usain Bolt run in his stride?