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Q: What is the best line code to be used?
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Why are line numbers used when writing C source code?

They aren't used.

What is a line of best fit?

A line of best fit is a technique used in statistics. It is a line that represents the relationship between data points showing two variables. It is "best" according to some user-specified criteria. The least squares regression line is the most popularly used line of best fit but it is not the only option.

Why is a best fit line used?

A best fit line is used to summarize the relationship between two variables by minimizing the overall distance between the line and the data points. It helps to visually represent trends and make predictions based on the data.

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What is the difference between compilar and interpreter?

compiler is a software translator used in ProgrammingLanguage: C,C++, Java etc ). This used for to translate High level language to Machine independent language. Interpreter is used to translate source code to machine code by line by line.

What is the code for the rarest card in the 39 clues that not have been used?

the best card code is P32979TXXP

What is a source line?

A source line refers to a specific line or segment of code within a program or script that is used to perform a specific function or task. It helps developers locate and troubleshoot issues within their code by identifying the exact line where the problem may be occurring.

A line of software code is called?

A line of software code is called a line of source code... Come on now.Source lines of code (SLOC) is a software metric used to measure the size of a software program by counting the number of lines in the text of the program's source code. SLOC is typically used to predict the amount of effort that will be required to develop a program, as well as to estimate programming productivity or effort once the software is produced.see:

Which best describes how mrna is used by cell?

it is used to transfer the code for protein synthesis

Which programming design approach would be best to use if a line of code needed to be run repeatedly?


What language was used by the US in code?

Navajo. The US used Navajos in the Pacific for communication between front line units and between the front line and rear areas. This allowed real time broadcast of sensitive information without the complications and delays of putting messages into code then deciphering the code at the receiving end. W

What are advantages of line structure?

It depends on what you mean by 'line structure'.