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The best graph in my opinion would be a line graph . Line graphs are used in most buisness graphs .

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Q: What type of graph would be best to display growth over the last 5 years?
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a line graph

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A bar graph would work. You could also use a pie chart. Total attendance _______________________________ 100 1-10 years ___________________ 50 11-25 years ___________ 25 other ages ___________25

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That would be a line graph.

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The title of a graph should be an indication of the information that the graph is meant to convey. It may not be a direct description of the data but it should certainly be relevant to the data being used. For example, a graph showing number of residents against years might have a title of "Growth in the town". The title refers not to the data but to the information the graph is showing.

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A line graph would be the most suitable.

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Obtain the data, put it in a table, graph it.

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Bar, it is easier to see

Who will play renesmee Cullen in twilight breaking dawn?

It has been said by the producer of the movies that Renesmee will most likely be CGI (not unlike the werewolves) and if they do get an actress, they'll have to hire a few different ones to display her rapid growth rate. It would be hard to have actresses that all look very alike and display that abnormal beauty. And Renesmee is supposed to display knowledge and be wise (beyond her young years). How would you get a baby to do that? So, my thoughts are that it IS in fact going to be CGI graphics.