

What is the best make of compass?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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Q: What is the best make of compass?
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How do you make a circle with a compass?

If your unable to figure out how to work a compass its probably best not to use it.

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The Golden Compass The Golden Compass

Who was compass?

well the first person to make the compass was the chinese.

How do you make a compass In alchemy?

In alchemy, a compass can be symbolized by the element of air or the direction of east. To harness this energy, you can create a talisman or sigil that represents the qualities of a compass, such as guidance, direction, and balance. Meditating on this symbol can help you align yourself with the energy of a compass in a spiritual or metaphysical sense.

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I used my compass to find my way out of the forest.

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A compass saw is used to make curved cuts

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Does a compass work best when close to magnet?

Yes, a compass works best when it is close to a magnet because the magnet helps align the compass needle with Earth's magnetic field. The closer the compass is to a magnet, the stronger the magnetic force acting on the needle, making it easier for the compass to point in the correct direction.

Hot can you make a compass?

There are a few different kinds of compass. To make a compass that makes circles you could use a pencil and tie it to another pencil and trace circles.

Why might knowledge of the compass have allowed the Chinese to be the world's greatest sea power of time?

maybe at that time they where best knoledged to the compass so they had the best transportation route.

A quartz be most useful to help make a simple compass?

While quartz itself doesn't have magnetic properties to make a compass, you could use a small piece of quartz as a reference point for direction when building a simple compass. By aligning the quartz with the Earth's magnetic field, you could use it as a marker to determine north and orient your compass accordingly.