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Moving beam scanners, this eliminates human error

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Q: What is the best method of data input for Retail tags?
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A keypad or keyboard

What is the best method of data input for bank checks?

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What is the best method of data input for long documents?

scanner,OSR (optical character recognition

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the best method to collect primary data is to make a Baseline Data or using the method of Rapid Rural Appraisal.

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How do you use the hasNext method in java but not have it block waiting for input?

hasNext() is a method of different classes in Java. If you mean java.util.Iterator.hasNext() or java.util.Scanner.hasNext(), it shouldn't block while waiting for input. That is part of the purpose of the hasNext() method - so that the caller can determine if there is more data without actually fetching the data.

When creating a form for user input it is a best practice to indicate method equals 'post' in the form tag?

Both the get and post method send data from client to server. The problem with get method is data is shown in the URL and hence it is not secure & only a fixed amount of characters can be sent across servers by using get method On the other hand post has no such constraints on amount of data sent and there is no data shown in the URL. By and large use the POST or REQUEST methods for sending or receiving data

What is the best method for hard drive data recovery?

The best method for hard drive data recovery is to hire a consultant or technician. You can find them at or

How is data input?

Data input is a file that contains data that serve as input to a device or a program input file.The dates have to be accurate in order to retrieve the data easily and first.

When computers gather data what do they allow users to do?

Computers gather data which means that they allow users to use input data. Input data is a computer file that contains data that serves as input to a device or program.