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scanner,OSR (optical character recognition

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Q: What is the best method of data input for long documents?
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What is the best method of data input for video content?


What is the best method of data input for telephone survey?

A keypad or keyboard

What is the best method of data input for bank checks?

scanning devices

What is the method using banking to input data into a computer system?

What is bank data input

What is the best method of data input for Retail tags?

Moving beam scanners, this eliminates human error

When scientists examine data such as historical documents they are using what method?

I believe it is the archival method.

How does a scanner input data?

A scanner scans the documents and make a image of that.Hence scanners input the images by scanning pages.

What is the best method of collecting primary data?

the best method to collect primary data is to make a Baseline Data or using the method of Rapid Rural Appraisal.

Explain the OMR method of data input? will lead u 2 the answer

Is a inkjet printer a input or output?


How do you use the hasNext method in java but not have it block waiting for input?

hasNext() is a method of different classes in Java. If you mean java.util.Iterator.hasNext() or java.util.Scanner.hasNext(), it shouldn't block while waiting for input. That is part of the purpose of the hasNext() method - so that the caller can determine if there is more data without actually fetching the data.

What you can do with the computers?

computer is a electronic device which can input process output data and users can do many things with a gamesmake documentsedit documentsinput datachane the iconscomputer is a electronic device which can input process output data and users can do many things with a gamesmake documentsedit documentsinput datachane the icons