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Q: What is the best method to determine an improvement curve slope in contracting?
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What is a Bézier curve?

A Bézier curve is a parametric curve defiend by a set of control points, two of which are the ends of the curve, and the others determine its shape.

What is needed to determine equilibrium price of a good or a service?

a supply curve and a demand curveA supply curve and a demand curve.

What is needed to determine the equilibrium price of a good or services?

a supply curve and a demand curveA supply curve and a demand curve.

What is it that causes a production possibilities curve to shift outward or inward?

Improvement of management efficiency.

Which would cause a rightward shift in the supply curve for telephone service?

An improvement in telephone technology.

What are the three characteristics of a supply curve?

The three characteristics of a supply curve are the slope, shift, and the curve's position. Together they help determine supply and demand trends.

What is a bezier?

A bezier is another term for a Bézier curve, a parametric curve defiend by a set of control points, two of which are the ends of the curve, and the others determine its shape.

How will determine Molecular weight by Landsberger method?

To determine molecular weight using the Landsberger method, you would prepare a calibration curve by plotting the retention time of known molecular weight standards versus their molecular weights. Then, you would measure the retention time of your unknown sample under the same conditions and use the calibration curve to determine its molecular weight. The molecular weight of the unknown sample can be calculated using the equation of the calibration curve.

What is the difference between curve fitting and regression?

curve fitting is a very difficult and time wasting method while regrresion is more to use as compare to curve fitting

What are the different ways of setting out a simple curve?

the different methods are: 1. Linear method. 2. Angular method.

How do you determine a slope from a graph?

Slope = (vertical change)/(horizontal change), commonly referred to as rise/run. If the graph is a straight line, then you can count squares or measure how much change in vertical, over a specified change in horizontal. If it is a curve, then you need to have a tangent line (a line that touches the curve at a specific point and has the same slope as the line), then you can determine the slope of that line using the method described, above.