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Q: What is the best thing to do in science?
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magnify glass
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What is the best thing to make for a science and technology exhibition?

Something interesting .

What do you expect in science subject?

science is study of living thing and non living thing

What is the best thing created in science?

Knowledge, perhaps. This question seems more like a riddle. Science is such a vast subject. There isn't one accomplishment that could be agreed upon to be best. You'd be hard pressed to do that for a single discipline.

Whats the purpose of which chewing gum holds its flavor the best?

the funny thing is is that this was my science fair project....and "found" out that Stride lasts the longest....... lol

What is the best liquid to use to water a plant?

I did a science project and the best thing to water your plants with is 100ml of water and 5 drops of organic plant food

Is art a science?

yes because every thing has to do with science

How is science helpful?

science is helpful because it tells about every thing there is earth science,world science,andnature science.

Is there a Spiritual center in Lee MA?

To the best of my knowledge, there is no Spiritual Science Center in MA. Most of the Spiritual Science Centers are around the Washington, DC area. There is a correspondence school that is based upon the curriculum of the National Spiritual Science Center. It was called Silent Light Spiritual Science Center but has been renamed the Maryland Spiritual Science Center. I guess it is the next best thing........ Hope this helps

Is photosynthesis an earth science or life science?

Photosynthesis is a process within biology, making it a part of life science rather than earth science. Earth science typically focuses on the study of the Earth's physical properties and processes, such as geology, meteorology, and oceanography.

What are three thing science reveals?

what is 3 things science reveals

What is the role of science in entertainment?

in todays life science is every thing

You are working on a science project to see what thing conducts the best electricity how is a dime connected with electricity anyways?

i think cause dime is metal