The smallest positive integer six-digit number is 100000.
998 is the biggest 3-digit even number
999 998
The smallest positive integer six-digit number is 100000.
Multiples of 12 are even. Start with 999998. It's not divisible by 12. Try 999996. It is divisible by 12. Stop there.
998 is the biggest 3-digit even number
2 is.
There is no such thing as a biggest fraction, for the same reason that there is no biggest number. For example, if you have a large (finite) number, you can always add 1 to it to get an even larger number.
It is 99,998.
999 998
The biggest (greatest value) even number can be defined only if you have a finite sequence of numbers (otherwise, you would never reach the end of an infinite range of numbers).Assumption required to answer this question: Your list of numbers has a highest value.The biggest even number would be the greatest value number that ended in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.