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Multiples of 12 are even. Start with 999998. It's not divisible by 12. Try 999996. It is divisible by 12. Stop there.

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Q: How do you find the greatest 6digit number divisible by 12?
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The Answer :)If the number is divisible by 2andIf the number is divisible by 3To find out if the number is divisible by 2 you look at the last digit of the number and see if it's an even number...ex: 420 you look at the 0 and 0 is a even number so 420 is divisible by 2.To find out if a number is divisible by 3 you add all the digits together and then see if the sum is divisible by 3...ex: 420 you add 4+2+0= 6 . and 6 is divisible by 3 so the number 420 is divisible by 3.yeah!