Well... I think it is a 'yes'
Because it takes FOREVER to count to -1.
-1 is the largest negative integer.
no, numbers go up to infinity and down to negative infinity.
you subtract and then put the biggest number's sign , for example:2+-3=-1, i subtrct 3-2 and the result is 1 then i put the biggest number sign which the biggest is 3 and it's sign is - so i put - \ so the final result is -1 .
the biggest negative number is the smallest -10
Yes Number 1
The biggest number in the world ever created, with an actual name is the number called Googol, witch has 100 zeros and 1 one in it. So, the biggest number WITH a name is called Googol.
-1 = biggest-11 = smallest
a negative number plus a negative number is negative. here is a proof.(-x)+(-x)(-1)x+(-1)x-1(x+x)-1(2x)-2xa negative number times a negative number is positive though.
1- has no meaning.
Coca Cola is the biggest selling soft drink in the World.
The biggest odd number between 1 and 10 is 9.