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It's graham's number

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Graham's Number, the Guinness Record largest named number -- one with a "practical" purpose, anyway, its being used in a mathematical proof.

It is shown to be an upper bound on a not unreasonably stated word problem (and it also relates to the coloring of the corners of hypercubes of dimension n, but that's so hard to picture):

"Take any number of people, list every possible committee that can be formed from them, and consider every possible pair of committees. How many people must be in the original group so that no matter how the assignments are made, there will be four committees in which all the pairs fall in the same group, and all the people belong to an even number of committees."

Some uncommon notation is need to express it with a formula. Just as multiplication is a generalization of addition, and exponentiation is a generalization of multiplication, the arrow function is a generalization of exponentiation.

For instance:

3↑3 is the ordinary 3-cubed, 27.

3↑↑3 is 3 raised to (3 raised to 3), 3↑27, a good-sized number, 7,625,597,484,987.

3↑↑↑3 is 3↑↑(3↑↑3), or 3↑↑7,625,597,484,987, a very large number. That is: 3 raised to (3 raised to (3 raised to...)))

7,625,597,484,987 times.

3↑↑↑↑3 is 3↑↑↑(3↑↑↑3). Big. Very big.

Still with me? 3↑↑↑↑3 is the starting point for defining Graham's number.

G1 is 3↑↑↑↑3.

G2 is 3↑↑...G1 total arrows...↑↑3. Yikes! But, we've only just begun.

Generally, Gn is 3↑↑...Gn-1 total arrows... ↑↑3

Finally, Graham's Number is G64. That is: 3↑↑...G63 total arrows...↑↑3. It makes me feel woozy. I think I'm gonna hurl.

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Q: What is the biggest number known to man kind?
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Highest number known to man that is not infinity?

There isn't one... Think of a number and name it after yourself ;)

What is the biggest number know to man?

It’s A Googolplexian. To See How Big It Is We Need To See Another Big Number. Googol. A Googol Is A 1 With 100 Zeros. A Googolplex Is A 1 With Googol Zeroes. A Googolplexian Is A 1 With Googolplex Zeroes. So Yeah. But You Know Million, Billion, Trillion. What’s The Biggest -illion Number. In Many Dictionaries It’s Centillion A 1 With 303 Zeroes. But We Can Go Further. If You Include Every Number Known Even The Ones Not In A Single Official Dictionary. It Is A Millinillion A 1 With 3003 Zeroes! So Conclusion.Googolplexian - Biggest Known NumberCentillion - Biggest -Illion Number (In Dictionaries)Millinillion - Biggest -Illion Number (Including Non-Dictionary Numbers)

What is the hardest math question known to man kind?

i dont know, I'm not the smartest person in man kind. try asking someoone else. sorry!

What is th highest number known to man?

It doesn't make much sense to talk about the "highest number", or about the "highest number known to man", since there are infinitely many numbers. In the case of a finite number, you can always add one to get a higher number. In the case of an infinite number, you can always raise 2 to the power of this infinite number to get a higher infinity.

How man sides and edges does a prysm have?

It could have any number. It was never specified what kind of prism it was. Therefore, it could be any number.

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