The bottom half of a vulgar fraction, for example, 1/2 (one half), is called the denominator. The number denominates (designates) the number of parts in the whole.
A hemisphere.
a hemisphere
a hemisphere.
1521723.5!!! The .5 is short so he only counts as half of one!
it is called a denomenator.
The numerator. The bottom is called the denominator.
Southern Hemisphere
The bottom half of the Earth is called the Southern Hemisphere. This includes continents and countries such as Australia, Antarctica, South America, Africa, and parts of Asia. It is the region south of the equator.
South pole?
no they only live in the bottom half of the world
The bottom half of a vulgar fraction, for example, 1/2 (one half), is called the denominator. The number denominates (designates) the number of parts in the whole.
A hemisphere.
No problem is you leave the forms on a little longer.
It's called the lunula
The Bottom Half was created on 2007-04-03.
If you could slice the world in two along the equator, the top half is the northern hemisphere, and the bottom half is the southern hemisphere.