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Q: What is the button on a calculator for exponents?
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What button is exponents on a calculator?

if you are raising a number to a power (exponent)it is y to the x key (y with superscript x)

How to calculate exponent using calculator?

The answers varies by calculator. However, most calculators capable of calculating exponents (such as scientific or graphing calculators) have a button with the symbol^. You can use that button to calculate exponents like this: a^x, where a and x are numbers. For example: 2^2 = 4. And 3^3 = 27.

How do you put exponents on a calculator?

Entering exponents is done by pushing the key labeled [EXP] or [EE] or [EEX].

Where is the carot button on fx 115 es calculator?

were is the carrot button on a scientific calculator

What button on the calculator is the exponent button?

On a graphing calculator, it is the one that looks like an upside down V.

I need help with a math question but it involves exponents How do i ask a question on here with exponents?

use the super-script button it looks like this..... x2 it is usually the 6th button

How do you put negative exponents on a TI-30XA calculator?

First, type the number to be put to a negative power. Then, press the exponent button. Then, press the open parenthesis button. Now press the change-sign button. Then, press the number that is the opposite of the number the first number was to be put to the power of. Now, press the close parenthesis button. Now, press enter.

What button on a calculator does for HCF?

no button you gotta work it out yaself

What is the calculator button for variable?

the via button means the variable.

What is the multiplication button on the calculator?

The * on the number pad. You also have a calculator. It's in the Accessories of your Program files.

How do you get square roots in the calculator?

Windows Calculator has a "sqrt" button on the right hand side. Key in your number then click on this button.

How do you raise a number to a negative power on a calculator?

There should be a negative button on your calculator, separate from the minus button. Press that button before pressing the buttons for the numbers of the exponent.