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Using the formula of x^2 +2gx +y^2 +2fy +c = 0 it works out that the centre of the circle is at (6.5, 3) and its radius is 2.5 units in length.

Alternatively plot the points on the Cartesian plane to find the centre and radius of the circle.

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Q: What is the centre and radius of a circle passing through the points of 5 5 and 8 5 and 5 1 on the Cartesian plane?
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The radius is half of the diameter. The radius of a circle is the distance from the centre to the circumference. The diameter of a circle is the length of a straight line from one point on the circumference to another, passing through the centre of the circle.

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The diameter of a circle is the width of the circle. The measurement in a straight line from edge to opposite edge passing through the centre.

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It works out that the centre of the circle is at (4, -3) on the Cartesian plane and its area is 56.549 square cm rounded up to three decimal places.

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