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It could be transformation.

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Q: What is the change in position or size?
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Define translation in math?

change of position, shape, or size of figure

What is a change in the position shape or size of a geometric figure called?

a transformation

How do you define each transformation for math?

A change of the position shape or size of a figure.tatiana

When you move or crumple a sheet of paper you cause a change in position and texture or size and position?

When you move or crumple a sheet of paper, you mainly cause a change in shape and texture. The position may change slightly depending on how you move it, but the primary impact is on the physical characteristics of the paper, such as its creases, folds, and texture. Size typically remains constant unless you intentionally tear or cut the paper.

What is the cause of the change in the size and position of the shadows during the day?

The movement of the sun across the sky is the primary cause of the change in size and position of shadows throughout the day. Shadows are longest and positioned to the west in the morning, shortest at solar noon, and lengthen and shift eastward as the sun sets. This change is a result of the sun's changing angle of elevation relative to objects on Earth's surface.

What can generally be defined as a change in position?

Movement is a change in position

Is acceleration the rate of change of the rate of change of position?

no its speed that definds the rate change of position

Do shadows change with light?

Yes, shadows change with the position and intensity of light sources. The angle and direction of light affects the size, shape, and position of shadows. As the light source moves, shadows can become longer, shorter, or shift in direction.

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How is position and change related?

Position refers to the location of an object at a specific point in time, while change represents the difference in position over a period of time. Change is the rate at which an object's position is changing or the displacement from one position to another. Therefore, position and change are related in that change is the measure of how position is shifting over time.