It really depends on the individual. How bad off they are, what they are getting the chemo to treat, etc.. So it wouldn't be a fair statistic to group all chemo patients together based just solely on the fact they are receiving chemo
Hi Ruth, I'm afraid nobody would be able to give you exact figures regarding this because the ultimate success of the procedure will depend tremendously on the participation of the patient and the medical center.
Success at means the goal. Success in means the result.
According to Rehab International the rates for successful meth rehab range from 60% to 70% with around a 10% to 30% relapse rate. A way to increase the success rate is to keep up with the rehab program.
Criteria are principals or standards set for which something is to be judged or decided upon. Success is the accomplishment of goals. Criteria for Success is the standards on which success is judged or decided.
I think success is a broader term. Success defines your ultimate goal whilst achievent is a phenomenons join together to shape success.
The success rate for bladder chemotherapy treatment is getting better, but is still not excellent. The survival rate is about 14 months for advanced cancer cases.
98 years
Some treatment options are Surgery , Radiation, Chemotherapy , Immunotherapy and or Heated Intraoperative Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy. Stage I or II Mesothelioma is treated by using conventional therapies in combination with radiation and or chemotherapy. This results in an average of 74.6 percent success rate in extending the patient's life span by five years or more.
It is currently about a 50% success rate, multinationally.
The success rate of tattoo removals depends on its age, placement, color, and size. The success rate on average is considered to be eighty-five percent.
Systemic Treatment:- Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment that targets cancer cells throughout the body. It helps eliminate any undetected cancer cells, reducing the risk of recurrence. Adjuvant Therapy:- Chemotherapy is often used as an adjuvant therapy to prevent cancer from returning after surgery. Specific Situations:- In certain cases, chemotherapy may shrink tumors before surgery or treat aggressive cancers. For effective Chemotherapy in Hyderabad, patients should consult specialized oncology centers for personalized treatment plans.
Yes, the success rate of capturing mostly depend on the rarity. The higher is the rarity, the lesser is success rate.
Acting success rate is .08 that means most don't make it. Rp
The success rate for radiation in bladder cancer is 67 percent.
Hemorrhoidectomies have a high rate of success; most patients have an uncomplicated recovery with no recurrence of the hemorrhoids.
There is a very high success rate of people that use the website iDate. The success rate of the people who use the website called iDate is almost eighty percent.
Success rate of love marriages is as good or as bad as arranged marriages.