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Hi Ruth, I'm afraid nobody would be able to give you exact figures regarding this because the ultimate success of the procedure will depend tremendously on the participation of the patient and the medical center.

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Q: What is the success rate of knee surgery in Mexico?
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It is estimated that one in seven adults over the age of 60 will have knee replacement surgery. Those who are extremely active in competitive sports such as football, hockey or other contact sports can have a higher instance of needing this type of operation. The procedures have become minimally invasive with a recovery time of about five to ten days.

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What is the morbidity rate with elective surgery?

Success, morbidity, and mortality rates are also dependent on the elective procedure itself. A physician and/or surgeon should be able to provide a patient with statistical information on success rates for a specific elective surgery.

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According to the National Eye Institute, sclerostomy is 80-90% effective in lowering intraocular pressure. The success rate is highest in patients who have not had previous eye surgery.

what is the success rate of gastric bypass?

The succes rate of having gastric bypass surgery is 87.93% but the rest of the people die in agony. :DThe succes rate of having gastric bypass surgery is 87.93% but the rest of the people die in agony. :DThe succes rate of having gastric bypass surgery is 87.93% but the rest of the people die in agony. :DThe succes rate of having gastric bypass surgery is 87.93% but the rest of the people die in agony. :D

What is the success rate post-operatively after bariatric surgery.?

You can find out more about it here: Please be sure to check with your doctor to see if it is right for you.

Umbilical Hernia Repair.....Adult male..Do for Lapr surgery next week.If he finds 2 hernias or tears will it affect the procedure or success rate?

Yes, as for the umbilical hernia repair, the hernias or tears found is able to affect the success rate of the procedure.