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It diameter is 3.8 and pi is 3.14

Then circumference = 3.8*3.14 = 11.932 units of measurement

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Q: What is the circumferance of a circle d3.8 pi is 3.14?
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What is the circumferance of 10m dia circle?

It is: 10*pi

What is the circumferance of a seven eighths inch circle?

7/8 inch circle has a diameter of 7/8 and a radius of 7/16=.4375 circumferance of a circle = 2*pi*radius = 2*3.14*.4375 =2.7475 or 7*pi/8

What is the circumferance of a circle that has a diameter of 27?

What is 27 X 3.14? 27 pi

How do you find the radius of a circle if you know the circumferance?

radius = circumference/2*pi

How do you get the radius from the circumference?

The circumferance of a circle is equal to 2 x pi x r, where r is the radius, i.e. approximately 6.2832 than its radius. Divide the circumferance from the figure above to get the radius of a circle in which the circumferance is known.

What is the diameter of a circle if its circumferance is 23?

cir. of a circle is equals to pi xd. hence,d=23/pi. Taking pi to be 3.142, d=7.32(3s.f)

If the diameterof a circle is 10cm what is the circumference?

10 pi or 314.someting something 10 pi or 314.someting something 10 pi or 314.someting something

What is the formula for finding the circumferance of a circle?

Either pi times the diameter or pi times twice the radius (which is the diameter)

What is the diameter of a circle if the circumference 314 feet?

Diameter = 314/pi feet

What is the Circumferance of 8' diameter circle?

Just over 25' ( 8 x pi)

What is the diameter of a circle with a circumferance of 60 meters?

circumference = pi*diameter so diameter = circumference/pi = 19.1 metres.

What is the circumferance of 14 diamter circle?

Circumference of circle: 14*pi = 43.982 feet rounded to 3 decimal places