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C=3.14D C=12x3.14 C=37.7+12=49.7

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Q: What is the circumference of a semi circle with the diameter of 12cm?
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How do you find the perimeter for a semi circle?

Its perimeter is half of its circumference plus its diameter

Is the circumference of a circle greater than less than or equal to the perimiter of a semi circle?

The circumference is pi x diameter Perimeter of semi circle is (0.5) x pi x diameter + diameter which is diameter x (0.5pi + 1) Subtracting Perimeter from Circumference we get [pi x diameter] - [diameter x (0.5pi + 1)] which is diameter x [pi - 0.5pi -1] pi = 3.1415 Hence the result = diameter x (3.1415 - 1.570 - 1) which will always be positive. Hence circumference is greater than perimeter of semi circle. Intuitively also we see that the diameter is a straight line and the semi circles are arcs over the end points of the diameter.

How do you do work out the circumference of a semi -circle?

multiply pi times diameter and divide by 2!

What is the circumference of a semi-circle with a diameter of 20?

Circumference = 2*pi*r r = diameter/2 20/2 = 10 ------------------so, 2*pi(10) = 63 ====

How many cm are there in a semi circle?

First the circle diameter must be given. for example, for a semi circle of diameter 8 centimeters:Step 1: the circumference of the full circle (= pi x Diam). result is: 25.12 cmStep 2: Divide the circumference in half. This is the length of just the curved part of the semi-circle. result: 12.56 cmStep 3: Add the diameter to the result of step 2.Step 4: The result is 12.56 + 8 = 20.56 cm. This is the perimeter of the semi-circle!Note point: There are 360 degrees in a circle, so a quarter of a circle has 90 degrees no matter what size the circle is. Half a circle has 180 degrees.

Related questions

How do you find the perimeter of a semi circle with a diameter of 12mm?

-- Find the circumference of a full circle with a diameter of 12 mm.-- The perimeter of the semi-circle is(1/2 the circumference of the full circle) + (the diameter).

What is the circumference of 52 m semicircle?

circumference or perimeter of the semi-circle = (diameter*pi)/2 + diameter

How do you find the perimeter for a semi circle?

Its perimeter is half of its circumference plus its diameter

Is the circumference of a circle greater than less than or equal to the perimiter of a semi circle?

The circumference is pi x diameter Perimeter of semi circle is (0.5) x pi x diameter + diameter which is diameter x (0.5pi + 1) Subtracting Perimeter from Circumference we get [pi x diameter] - [diameter x (0.5pi + 1)] which is diameter x [pi - 0.5pi -1] pi = 3.1415 Hence the result = diameter x (3.1415 - 1.570 - 1) which will always be positive. Hence circumference is greater than perimeter of semi circle. Intuitively also we see that the diameter is a straight line and the semi circles are arcs over the end points of the diameter.

Work out the perimeter of the semi-cirle when diameter is 15cm?

The perimeter of a full circle (circumference) is "pi" times the diameter. So the perimeter of a semi-circle will be half that; Perimeter = (pi/2) x (diameter).

How do you do work out the circumference of a semi -circle?

multiply pi times diameter and divide by 2!

How do you find the circumference of a semi-circle?

The length (circumference) of the curved part of a semi-circle is pi times the radius (pi*R). If the diameter is given, then the semi-circle length is 1/2 (pi * x D) because the radius is 1/2 of the diameter.(There are 2pi radians in a full circle.)A closed shape formed from a semi-circle has a perimeter P = D + (pi * D / 2)(diameter plus the curved part)

What are the different parts of a circle?

segment,tangent,radius,diameter,circumference,chord,semi-circle,center,arc and sector

What is the formula for finding the perimeter of a semicircle?

Half the Circumference + the DiameterCircumference of a circle = pi X d ,so perimeter of a semi-circle = (3.142 X Diameter) + Diameter

What is the circumference of a semi-circle with a diameter of 20?

Circumference = 2*pi*r r = diameter/2 20/2 = 10 ------------------so, 2*pi(10) = 63 ====

What are the parts of a circle?

A part of a circle is called an arc. The defined values for a circle are: radius, diameter, chord, area, circumference, and the arcs. There is the circumfrence, semi circle, arc, diameter,chord,segment,radius,quaderent

How do you find the perimeter of a rectangle with a semi circle attached to it?

add the perimeter of the rectangle, minus the side that'c covered by the semi circle. then, find the circumference of the semi circle [diameter x pi, divided by 2] and addd them together