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Q: What is the code for the following program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 en castellano?
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HTML code has a limit of 10 webpages per site?

No! HTML is simply code. You can write 1 million pages of HTML code if you want. HTML is not a program. Its code. Now you may have a program that uses HTML code and that program has limitations. But not HTML itself.

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It depends. There are usually 9 or 10 significant digits after the "0" trunk code. All mobile phones have 10 significant digits following the "0" trunk code. Dialing from outside the UK, the "0" trunk code is replaced with the country code, "44".

How many digits are there in a uk phone number?

It depends. There are usually 9 or 10 significant digits after the "0" trunk code. All mobile phones have 10 significant digits following the "0" trunk code. Dialing from outside the UK, the "0" trunk code is replaced with the country code, "44".

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Manuel Castellanos López was born in 1949.

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#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<string> int main() { std::cout << "Enter your 10 digit code: "; size_t code=0; size_t len=0; while (len<10) { char c = (char) _getch(); if (c=='0' && !code) // leading zero not permitted! continue; if (c>='0' && c<='9') { ++len; std::cout << c; c -= '0'; code *= 10; code += c; } } std::cout << "\n\nYou entered: " << code << '\n' << std::endl; }

Is pseudocode a combination of programming language and machine code?

No. Pseudocode is not used to write complete programs; rather, it is an overview of what you want to achieve. For example, the following pseudocode is for a program to print a list of square roots: for i = 1 to 10 show i, i*i A specific programming language may not have a "show" command, and the structure of the "for" loop might be different; additional setup and cleanup commands may also be required in a real computer program; the purpose of this pseudoce is merely to explain, to a human, what you want to achieve. The real code, with more detail, will have to be added later.

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