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My guess is that they both have pointy top.

Not only that but the volume of both can be calculated using the same formula:

1/3 * h * A

where h is the height [perpendicular to the base] and A is the area of the base

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Q: What is the common between a cone and a pyramid?
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What does a pyramid and a cone have in common?

the pointy top.

What are some differences between a pyramid and cone?

A cone has a round base and a pyramid has a base with 3 or more angles.

Is a cone a pyramid or a prism?

A cone is a common pyramid-like figure where the base is a circle or other closed curve instead of a polygon. A cone has a curved lateral surface instead of several triangular faces, but in terms of volume, a cone and a pyramid are just alike.

What is the difference between a cone and a pyramid?

A Cone has a curved base meeting through an apex while. Pyramid has a polygonal base connecting to an apex.

What is the difference between a pyramid and a cone?

A pyramid have at least one vertices's and a cone have none because no edges meet on the cone at the top because cones only have 1 edge

What do a cone and a pyramid have in common?

Both have tips and are in the same basic form

Which shape does not roll or stack between cone or cube or square pyramid?

The square based pyramid does not stack or roll.

Similarities and differences between cone and pyramid?

Similarities: both have a base which extends into a single vertex.Differences: a cone only has 1 edge and a pyramid has a minimum of 6 (for a triangular pyramid).the base of a pyramid is a polygon - the base of a cone is a curve(a mathematical cone has no edges at all it is a continuous sheet - or two sheets if you consider the vertex as dividing the surface into two sheets).

How is a pyramid different from a cone?

A cone has a round bottom, and the pyramid has a squarish bottom.

How are cone and a pyramid different?

A cone has 1 face a pyramid has 4 faces.

What consists of a disc a point not in the same plane as the disc but directly above the center of the disc and all points between them?

right pyramid oblique cone right cone oblique pyramid

How is a pyramid like a cone?

A cone is a pyramid in its limit - when the base has infinitely many vertices.