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Q: What is the complement of the set of real numbers?
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What is complements of a set?

The complement of a set refers to everything that is NOT in the set. A "universe" (a set from which elements may be taken) must always be specified (perhaps implicitly). For example, if your "universe" is the real numbers, and the set you are considering is 0

How do you write an irrational number in algebra?

There is no representation for irrational numbers: they are represented as real numbers that are not rational. The set of real numbers is R and set of rational numbers is Q so that the set of irrational numbers is the complement if Q in R.

Why irrational numbers denoted by Q'?

Irrational numbers may be denoted by Q' since they are the complement of Q in R, the set of Real numbers.

Is the complement of the set of odd integers is the set of even integers?

It is if we only consider integers. If we consider all real numbers, for example, it would not be.

What is the set of numbers including all irrational and rational numbers?

real numbers

In the set of rational numbers the complement of the set of integers is the set of fractions?

Only if they are fractions in their simplified form.

What is A set of numbers that is larger than the set of real numbers?

In a certain sense, the set of complex numbers is "larger" than the set of real numbers, since the set of real numbers is a proper subset of it.

What is the set of numbers that includes all rational and all irrational numbers?

the set of real numbers

The set of all rational and irrational numbers?

Are disjoint and complementary subsets of the set of real numbers.

Set of real numbers and set of complex numbers are equivalent?

Real numbers are a proper subset of Complex numbers.

What is the difference between a set of real numbers and a set of complex numbers?

The set of real numbers is a subset of the set of complex numbers. For the set of complex numbers, given in the form (a + bi), where a and b can be any real number, the number is only a real number, if b = 0.

What are two subsets of real numbers that are mutually exclusive?

Take any set; this set and its complement are mutually exclusive. Here are some examples:Negative and non-negative (i.e., positive and zero) numbersRational and irrational numbersIntegers and non-integersAlgebraic and transcendental numbersYou can also take a set and its complement from a smaller universe; these would also be mutually exclusive. For example:Even and odd numbers (only includes integers)