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90 - 20 = 70 degrees.

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Q: What is the complimentary measure of an angle to a 20 degree angle?
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It is: 360/20 = 18 sides

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consider an angle OAB and let us for simply proof lets say the angle is 40 degree measure the both sides of the angle and then measure the distance measured then multiply it with 20 we will get the product same as the angle

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How do you make 55 degree angle with using compass and ruler?

First draw a 90 degree angle .Than draw a 20 degree angle from that 90 degree angle . Than the rest of the angle will be 90-20=70 .Now bisect the 70 degree angle we will get 70/2=35. Now add the rest of the angle means 35+20 =55 GOT 55 DEGREE ANGLE

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