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Factors of 54 are 2,3,3,3 (54=2x33).

Sum of the factors is 11=2+3+3+3.

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Q: What is the composite number between 50 and 60 whose prime factors have a sum of 11?
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What are the prime factors of a composite prime number?

There is not such a thing as a composite prime number. A prime number has exactly two factors. A composite number has more than two factors.

What is the comparison between prime number and composite number?

A prime number is a whole number that has two factors which are itself and one. where as, A composite number has factors in addition to one and itself.

How can you tell the difference between a prime number and a composite number?

Prime numbers have two factors. Composite numbers have more than two.

What is a difference between a composite number and a prime?

The difference is that a prime number only has two factors that's one and itself, a composite has more factors than one and itself.

What numbers between 1 and 100 are prime and composite?

There are 25 prime numbers and 75 composite numbers from 1 to a 100. A prime number has only two factors whereas a composite number has more than two factors.

What occurs when the composite number is expressed as a number of factors that are all prime?

When a composite number is expressed as a product of its prime factors, the prime factorization of the composite number has been performed.

How do you check if a number is prime or a composite number?

A number is prime when it only has one and itself as factors is prime. Therefore, to tell if a number is prime or composite simply find it's factors. If it has more than two factors than it is not a prime number, it is composite.

How is a prime number different from the factors?

A prime number has only two factors, one and the number itself. A composite number has more than two factors. Factors can be either prime or composite.

Is 713 a prime or composite number?

Composite. Its prime factors are 23 and 31.

Is 222 prime or composite?

Composite A prime number is a number that has only two factors (itself and one) A composite number is a number that has more than two factors.

Which factors are not included in the prime factorisation of a composite number?

1 and any factors that are themselves composite since none of these are prime.

What is the difference between the greatest composite number and the greatest prime number below 100?

well it is how the prime you can only multiply it by on and the composite number u can have more pairs of factors hat the composite.