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the hindens burg skin was burned down in 30-40 seconds because it was EXTREMLEY flmable back then

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Q: What is the composition of the skin?
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What is the composition of your fingernails?

The composition of your nails is yes skin.

What are the benefits of using Dead Sea cosmetics?

There are many benefits that come with using Dead Sea cosmetics. The composition of the cosmetics is designed to aid in skin care and reduce the oils on the skin.

What accounts for the largest percentage of body composition?

I'm torn between skin and water. I know that the skin is the largest organ in the body, but I am really not sure if that is the answer. It is either water or skin. If I find that I am wrong, I will come back and post the correct answer. Sorry I wasn't of much help!! I know how frustrating school (and especially Biology) can be!! Skin is the largest organ in the body, but water make up about 60 % of your body. So water is your answer!

Are there any risks involved with henna tatoos?

that depends on your skin's sensitivity issues tho. and the composition of the henna ink used.

Which of following is not used to determine your body composition?

Go to your local gym. they will have body composition scales which test composition by electrical resistance in your body. They are also traines in skin fold techniques which is also pretty accurate.

How dense is skin?

Skin is the body's largest organ, with a typical density of about 1.3 g/cm³. However, the thickness and composition of skin can vary depending on factors such as age, location on the body, and individual differences.

Why is skin considered part of excretory system?

Because Skin...Expels water, sodium chloride and urea during sweating. (Incidental loss: because sweating is a response to a rise in temperature and not to a change in blood composition.)

What is the chemical composition of the secretion which come from under the armpit?

Underarm sweat is primarily composed of water, with small amounts of salts and urea. The bacteria present on the skin can break down these components, leading to the characteristic odor associated with underarm sweat.

Why does chlorine make your hands slippery?

Chlorine can react with oils and proteins on your skin, forming a film that feels slippery to the touch. This can also disrupt the natural oils on your skin, leading to a slick sensation. Additionally, the chemical composition of chlorine itself, when in contact with water and skin, can create a slippery surface.

What temperature does your skin freeze at?

Skin freezes at approximately -2°C (28°F). However, the freezing point can vary depending on factors such as humidity, wind chill, and individual differences in skin composition. It is important to protect skin from extreme cold temperatures to prevent frostbite.

Is a bruise a physical or chemical change?

A bruise is a physical change because it involves a change in color due to the breaking of blood vessels under the skin, but the chemical composition of the skin and blood remains the same.

What is dermatoglyphics?

Dematoglyphics is a Greek word( Derma- Skin, Glyph- Carvings), In general it is the study of the skin patterns on fingers and skin carvings. These patterns are unique and linked with one's genetic composition which are closely associated with central nervous system. This study is backed by scientific research and being analyzed from 1983 & proved with evidences.