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They are part of the scientific method. The test results confirm or disprove the hypothesis.

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Q: What is the connection between hypotheses and the tests that are conducted in an investigation?
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What is the connection between hypotheses and tests in an investigation?

A hypothesis is tested by investigation through experimentation

What is the connection between hypotheses and the tests that are conducted in an investigate?

They are part of the scientific method. The test results confirm or disprove the hypothesis.

What is the difference between a Discovery Investigation and an investigation that utilizes Hypothesis Science and the Scientific Method developed by Socrates?

A Discovery Investigation is exploratory in nature, seeking to uncover new information or phenomena without preconceived hypotheses. In contrast, an investigation utilizing Hypothesis Science and the Scientific Method developed by Socrates involves formulating hypotheses based on existing knowledge, testing these hypotheses through experimentation, and drawing conclusions based on empirical evidence. The latter approach is more structured and systematic in its methodology.

What is the Difference between hypothesis and hypotheses?

Hypothesis is singular, while Hypotheses is the plural of Hypothesis.

What is the term hypotheses?

A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon or a scientific question. It is a testable statement that predicts the outcome of an experiment or research study. Hypotheses are used to guide research and help scientists make informed predictions about the relationship between variables.

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Purpose of investigation audit is to find out the evidance of the specific agenda for which investigative audit is conducted while conventional audit objective is to find out that financial statements represents the true and nature of business or not.

What is something that shows how variables are related?

relationship between hypotheses and theories

Why are hypotheses important in psychology?

Hypotheses help to guide and focus research efforts, providing clear predictions to test and refine theories in psychology. They also facilitate the systematic investigation of theories and contribute to the development of knowledge in the field. By testing hypotheses, psychologists can draw conclusions about the relationships between variables and make informed decisions about interventions or treatments.

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Distinguish between hypotheses that explain biodiversity and those that explain the origin of life?

Hypotheses that explain biodiversity focus on the variety of species and ecosystems that exist today, often exploring factors like evolutionary processes and environmental influences. Hypotheses that explain the origin of life are concerned with how life first emerged on Earth, including theories like abiogenesis and panspermia. Essentially, biodiversity hypotheses address the diversity of life forms, while origin of life hypotheses address the initial emergence of life itself.