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Q: What is the converse of the following conditional statement If x 10 then x2 100?
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Conditional statement inside a conditional loop?

int i = 100; while(i > 0) { // Conditional loop --i; if((i % 2) == 0) { // Conditional statement inside a conditional loop System.out.println(i + " is even."); } }

Can a conditional operator replace an if statement always?

No. An if statement does not require an elseclause and the expression(s) do not return anything to the caller, whereas the conditional operator always executes one of two expressions and always returns the value of the executed expression back to the caller. The executed expression may be yet another conditional operator, thus allowing simulation of nested ifs and if...else if... else statements.Consider the following example:int x = rand();if( x > 100 ) x = 100;We can achieve the same result with a conditional operator:int y = rand();y = y>100 ? 100 : y;However, if we were to expand this statement to an if statement we would not get the original if statement shown above:int z = rand();if( z > 100 ) z = 100;else z = z;The else clause is clearly unnecessary in this case, so the original if statement would be the statement of choice here.As a general rule, if you can make use of the return value in a conditional operator, and must return one of at least two values, then use the conditional operator. Otherwise use an if statement.

What Java conditional expression correctly represents the mathematical expression 10 x 100?

There is no need for a conditional expression; just write it as 10 * 100.

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The average price of Converse shoes for men varies on the type of Converse shoe that that person is buying, but the average price could range from 30-100 dollars.

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The change in financial statement items from a base year to following years are called trend percentages. A trend percentage can show several years of financial data, with 100% in the base year and the set percentage of the other years.

How do i add formula for excel if an answer in box is over 100 percent eg if under 100 percent box is red if over 100 percent box is green?

Use conditional formatting

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dknys mission statement is 100% new york. this is because her designs are 100% new york x

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I'm not really sure this is 100% correct but he wears high converse with jeans and a shirt

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A false statement.

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How much do twilight converse cost?

The cost of Twilight-themed Converse varies depending on the style, size, and any special features. On average, they can range from $50 to $100 or more. It is best to check with the specific retailer or Converse website for the most up-to-date pricing.