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Q: What is the correct number of respirations for an adult?
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What is average respiratory rate per minute for adult?

About 20 respirations in 1 minute.

What does Respiration 20 mean?

Respirations is the number of times a person breathed in a minute, so respirations 20 means the person breathed 20 times in a minute.Respirations is the number of times a person breathed in a minute, so respirations 20 means the person breathed 20 times in a minute.

Normal respirations adult male?

Normal breathing rate of an adult is between 12 and 18 breaths per min. And a normal adult heart beat should sit between 60 and 80 beats per min.


What is respirations wastes products

What is kussmaluls cheyne-stokes?

Kussmaul and Cheyne-Stokes are types of respirations. Kussmaul respirations are hyperapnea, an Cheyne-Stokes respirations are hypercapnia.

What is the scientific term used to define the number of breaths taken per minute?

Respirations per minute.

For unresponsive adult or child what describes the best way to give mouth-to-mouth respirations?

seal your mouthover the victm's mouthand give 2 breaths watching for chest to rise

What is the correct indication for intubating and suctioning the trachea at birth?

the baby has poor tone and respiratory effort

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What is high respirations?

Fast breaths. Normal respirations are 12-20 breaths/minute. High is 24+ and low is 10-

What is the name of low respirations?


Why should pulse and respirations be taken together?

If your patient is aware that you are taking respirations, they may breathe faster or slower to change results.