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Q: What is the correct way to write did you get home late last night ask mom?
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Which is correct 'yesterday night' or 'last night?

"Last night" is correct. "Yesterday night" is not commonly used and may be considered incorrect in some contexts.

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"Did your husband work the whole night last night?" "Your husband worked the whole night last night."

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The correct grammar usage here would be: He and I went to the movies last night.

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Yes, it is correct to say "Who came last night?" to inquire about the person. However, it would be more appropriate to say "What happened last night?" to inquire about events or occurrences that took place.

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No. That would be "I sang to the baby last night."

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"Your daddy passed last night" would be correct. It could mean that he travelled nearby or was successful in an exam or test.

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The correct sentence is: Did you see The Lost Kingdom of television last night. 'Knight' is changed to 'night' because 'knight' is a knight in armor.

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[lastname], [firstname] jr.

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The correct sentence would read: "You came home the latest," or "You are the last to come home."

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This is an incomplete sentence, there is no subject. Did I have too much to drink last night? Did you have too much to drink last night? Did they have too much to drink last night? How much was too much to drink last night? Was the wine too much to drink last night? The subjects to these sentences are I, you, they, how much, and wine.

Can one say you was?

Nothe correct way of saying isyou wereas in'You were at the concert last night.' =√Not'You was at the concert last night.' = x

What inspired Laura to write?

The passion she saw in your mom last night