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Q: What is the correlation between salinity and temperature?
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What factors affect density currents?

Temperature, salinity and total saturation of other minerals, depth.

What affects density more temperature or salinity?

Density is affected by both temperature and salinity. The colder the temperature and the saltier the substance, the greater the density.

Is 4264 a positive correlation?

No, it is an integer number. Correlations happen among various different things. A non-zero correlation means that the things interact or depend on each other. A zero correlation means they don't. Examples: There is a positive correlation between how much you eat and how much you weigh. There is a zero correlation between the color of your car and its gas mileage. There is a positive correlation between how far the volume control is turned up and the sound pressure level that you hear. There is a negative correlation between the air temperature and the sales of sweaters.

How many chirps would you expect when the temperature is 10 degrees Celsius?

The correlation between cricket chirps and the temperature is very approximate.

Describe some of the general patterns you observe for temperature and salinity?

Desceibe some of the general patterns you observe for temperature and salinity

What is the use of temperature- salinity diagram?

A temperature-salinity diagram is used in oceanography to understand the relationship between temperature and salinity of seawater at different depths. It helps in identifying water masses, studying ocean currents, and determining the origins and mixing of water masses. By analyzing the data on the diagram, oceanographers can gain insights into the physical and chemical properties of the ocean.

By using information about the temperature and salinity of ocean water oceangraphers can describe the?

By using information about the temperature and salinity of ocean water oceangraphers can describe the?

What two characteristics of water combine to form a thermohaline?

The two characteristics of water that combine to form a thermohaline current are temperature and salinity. As water becomes cold and more saline, it becomes denser and sinks to the ocean floor, driving the vertical circulation of the ocean known as the thermohaline circulation.

What is the relation between salinity and chlorinity?

Salinity is a measure of the total dissolved salt content in water, while chlorinity specifically measures the chloride ion concentration. In most natural waters, chlorinity accounts for the majority of the salinity. However, other dissolved salts besides chloride can contribute to salinity in certain environments.

How are temperature salinity and density related?

Salinity and Density are related because they are both measures of the amount

How does water temperature affect water salinity?

Water temperature can affect water salinity by influencing the density of water. When water temperature increases, it becomes less dense, causing it to rise and potentially mix with less saline surface waters. This can lead to changes in salinity levels in different water layers.

What 3 factors affect the density of sea water?

Temperature, pressure, and common ion effect