In decimal 10. In binary 2. In octal 8 ...
20 hex = 32 decimal or 100000 binary or 40 octal.
4410 = 3210 + 810 + 410 = 1011002
Binary number 1110101 equates to octal number 165.
It is 15.
The value of the digit "4" is the ones value. The value of the number "1" could represent the tens value in decimal, eights in octal or sixteens in hexidecimal. Assuming a decimal numbering system there are 4 ones and 1 ten in the decimal number represented by "14"
Octal codes are often used to write the numerical value of a binary number because it is easier to convert from binary to octal, instead of binary to decimal. You can convert to octal on sight, and it simply requires grouping the binary bits into groups of three, whereas converting to decimal requires repeated division by 10102 or 1010. Actually, grouping into three bits is the same as dividing by 1002 or 810 so the process is really the same. Divide by 8 to get octal. Divide by 10 to get decimal.
In decimal 10. In binary 2. In octal 8 ...
20 hex = 32 decimal or 100000 binary or 40 octal.
4410 = 3210 + 810 + 410 = 1011002
Binary number 1110101 equates to octal number 165.
The result of adding the hexadecimal and octal numbers together, once converted to decimal form, is roughly equivalent to one hundred sixty, with a slight fraction beyond. The hexadecimal number converts to a value just shy of seventy-seven, while the octal number translates to a value slightly over eighty-three in decimal. Their sum, therefore, marginally exceeds one hundred sixty.
It is 15.
The value doesn't change. In base-5, you'd have to write it as '141', but you, the decimal guy, the binary guy, and the octal guy would each still have the same number of beans in your respective pockets.
Changing from one base to another involves converting a number representation from one numbering system (such as decimal or binary) to another (such as hexadecimal or octal). This involves understanding the place value of each digit in the original base and expressing it in the corresponding place value of the new base. The conversion process typically involves division and remainder operations.
The place value of each digit is b times the place value of the digit to its right where b is the base for the system: whether that is binary, octal, decimal, duodecimal, hexadecimal, sexagesimal or some other value.