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Q: What is the datatype number used for?
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in Unix: the datatype is "Date" in C++: the datatype is "char"

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in Unix: the datatype is "Date" in C++: the datatype is "char"

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Different names can be used, but it is alphanumeric. Some allowed field with a datatype called text or character to allow numbers and text to be entered into them.

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It is just a datatype used in databases for string values.

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What is the difference between a macro and typedef?

A Macro is a preprocessor directive means that before compilation the macros are replaced. Where as typedef is defining a new data type which is same as the existing data type. Syntax: typedef Existing datatype New datatype For example typedef int NUMBER; Here NUMBER (New datatype)is defined as a data type which contains the properties same as int(Existing datatype). You can declare a variable of int as NUMBER a; is same as int a; similarly typedef int* NUMBERPOINTER; NUMBERPOINTER a; Here a is a pointer of integer type.

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You can save it in NUMERIC or varchar datatype.

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