2.5% = .025
It is called a [decimal] fraction.
fraction 121-25 written in a decimal = 4.84121/25:= 121 ÷ 25= 4.84 in decimal
As a fraction: 261/100As a decimal: 2.61261% = 2.61 in decimal = 261/100 in fraction
Because a terminating decimal is a rational number that can also be expressed as a fraction
2.5% = .025
The fraction 2/5 written as a decimal is 0.4
You have written it as a decimal. As a fraction it is 1/20.
It is called a [decimal] fraction.
It is a decimal fraction: for example 0.25 or 0.166... recurring
fraction 121-25 written in a decimal = 4.84121/25:= 121 ÷ 25= 4.84 in decimal
As a fraction: 261/100As a decimal: 2.61261% = 2.61 in decimal = 261/100 in fraction
.025 percent Solution Method: 250 ppm = the ratio 250:1,000,000 = the fraction 250/1,000,000 = the decimal value 0.00025 = the percentage .025 (i.e. 0.00025 * 100)
not exactly but a decimal can be written as a fraction.hope this helps(:
If the decimal stops or repeats, it can be written as a fraction. If it goes on randomly forever, it can't.
equivalent fraction to .025 = 1/400.025 * 1000/1000 = 25/1000 or 1/40 in fraction in lowest term
Because a terminating decimal is a rational number that can also be expressed as a fraction