As a decimal: 0.48. As a fraction: 48/100.
48 / 45 = 1.066667Converting decimal to a percentage: 1.066667 * 100 = 106.67%
To convert 48% to decimal divide by 100: 48% ÷ 100 = 0.48
48 percent to a decimal = 0.4848% = 48%/100% = 0.48
5 over 48 becomes 0.10416666 repeating as a decimal.
As a decimal: 0.48. As a fraction: 48/100.
48 / 45 = 1.066667Converting decimal to a percentage: 1.066667 * 100 = 106.67%
To convert 48% to decimal divide by 100: 48% ÷ 100 = 0.48
48 percent to a decimal = 0.4848% = 48%/100% = 0.48
To find the decimal, move the decimal two places to the left. 48% becomes 0.48 as a decimal. To find the fraction, put 48 over 100 and reduce. A number that divides into both is 4. 48/4=12 100/4=25 48% becomes 12/25 as a fraction.
48 and 2 over three as a decimal = 48.6667 48 2/3 = 48+ (2 ÷ 3) = 48 + 0.6667 = 48.6667 in decimal
48%:= 0.48 in decimal= 48/100 or 12/25 in fraction
5 over 48 becomes 0.10416666 repeating as a decimal.
33%To find this out, you do 48/144=.33333. Move the decimal over to the right twice (multiplying by 100) and you get your percentage.
48 hundreds = 48*100 = 4800 and that is it. There is no need to add a decimal point at the end.
32 over 100 in decimal = 0.3232/100:= 32 ÷ 100= 0.32 in decimal