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As hexadecimal uses the letters a-f to continue the digits after 0-9, a = 10, b = 11, ... f = 15 for the single digit that can be represented in each place value column, each of which is sixteen (16) times bigger than the one on its right.

→ 0xfd = f x 16 + d = 15 x 16 + 13 = 253.

In signed numbers, the top bit is used as a sign indicator and if set represents a negative number; thus a byte of 8 bits can be used to represent a number in the range -128 to +127. In this case the bit pattern represented by the hex 0xfd would represent -3.

To work out the number, invert all the bits (forming the ones complement) and add 1 (forming the twos complement):

0xfd = 11111101 in binary → 0000010 = 0x02 in hex (ones complement)

→ 0xfd = -(0x02 + 1 ) = -(0x03) = -3

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