Eleven twelves is 132.
six twelves as a decimal = 72.0
Convert the fractions to a common denominator to compare them. Or divide 11 / 12, and 12 / 13, in a calculator, and compare the decimal equivalents.
9 twelves = 9 x 12 = 108
no becaue if u divide and get the decimal, eight twelves is .67 and 5 twelves is .42 which is so much less.
the answer is this 12.0001
4.916666 repeating
.9167 (or .91666666667 with more precision.)
11+12= 23
Eleven twelves is 132.
No. Eleven twelves = 132.
six twelves as a decimal = 72.0
Convert the fractions to a common denominator to compare them. Or divide 11 / 12, and 12 / 13, in a calculator, and compare the decimal equivalents.
9 twelves = 9 x 12 = 108