.31 because you multiply the and you move the decimal 2 places up
To find 62 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.62. In this instance, 0.62 x 62 = 38.44. Therefore, 62 percent of 62 is equal to 38.44.
62.5% = 0.625
62 = 111110
62% = 0.62
1.86 is what percent of 62= 1.86 / 62= 0.03Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.03 * 100 = 3%
.31 because you multiply the and you move the decimal 2 places up
62 1/2%= 62.5%= 0.625 in decimal
62.0 62/1 6,200%
To find 62 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.62. In this instance, 0.62 x 62 = 38.44. Therefore, 62 percent of 62 is equal to 38.44.
62 percent is the ratio of 62 to 100 ... a very rational number.
62.5% = 0.625