fraction : 124/2 Decimal : 62.5
62 of 75= 62 / 75= 0.826667Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.826667 * 100 = 82.67%
To convert a percentage to a decimal, divide by 100.62 / 100 = 0.6262% expressed as a decimal is 0.62
The answer is 0.62. To work it out, work out what it is as a fraction (62/100) and since it is over 100 the decimal has to go into hundredths, So you have 0.62. It is actually a very easy percentage to work out, With anything under 100% you can just put 0.THE NUMBER. But it gets much trickier from there!
To express 49.6 percent as a decimal, you divide 49.6 by 100, giving you 0.496. To convert it to a fraction, you can write it as 496/1000 and simplify it by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 8, resulting in 62/125. So, 49.6 percent is equivalent to 0.496 as a decimal and 62/125 as a fraction in simplest form.
0.62 as a fraction is 62/100 or 31/50. As a percent it is 62%
62% = 0.62
62% as a reduced fraction is: 31/50
WOW. you make it a decimal. .625 so, 62/100 reduce it and you get 31/50. about.
Well 62% would mean 62/100 so you would simplify that to make 31/50. This gets you your fraction. Then you would divide 31 by 50 to get 0.62. You could also divide 62 by 100 if that is easier for you.
No. 62% = 0.62 or 62/100 and so it is a fraction.