Eighty-six hundredths written as a decimal is 0.86
Eighty-one hundredths in decimal notation is 0.81
Fifty-two and eighty-six hundredths
0.80, or eighty hundredths, is equal to 0.8, or eight tenths.
To convert eighty and forty-two hundredths to a decimal, you simply write it as 80.42. The whole number part, which is 80, remains the same, while the decimal part, which is forty-two hundredths, is written as .42. Therefore, eighty and forty-two hundredths as a decimal is 80.42.
Eighty-nine hundredths as a decimal is 0.89
eighty-two hundredths
Eighty-six hundredths written as a decimal is 0.86
Eighty-one hundredths in decimal notation is 0.81
0.82 = eighty-two hundredths.
Fifty-two and eighty-six hundredths
Oh honey, it's simple. 0.82 in decimal word form is "eighty-two hundredths." You're welcome, darling.
eighty-six hundredths = 0.86 in decimal
Four and eighty-six hundredths in decimal form is 4.86