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The metric, or SI system of measurement is based on units which, in most cases, are related to larger or smaller units by multiples or factors of ten. The exception is time where the factors are 60.

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Q: What is the decimal system of measurement?
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What blank is a decimal system of measurement?

The metric system is mostly a decimal system of measurement.

What system of measurement was developed in the 1790 by the order of the french assembly?

decimal system

Which is a measurement system based on the power of ten?

Decimal or Denary.

What is the name of the measurement system based on units of ten?

A decimal system; but probable you think to metric system.

The Decimal base measurement system originated in the 1790's in which country?

The decimal base measurement system originated in the 1790s in France. It was developed as part of the French Revolution's drive for modernization and standardization.

What is a decimal-based standard system of measurement used by scientists?

The SI system, also called the Metric System.

What is the system of measurement that is based on the number 10 and multiples of 10?

The metric system

What you.s president proposed a decimal based measurement system for the you.s?

It was Jefferson.

What is a Decimal system of measurement based on certain physical standards and scaled on multiples of 10?

The Metric System.

Why the metric system called a decimal system of measurement?

A decimal number is a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. Measurement units in the metric system are related to one another by multiples of powers of ten (or 1000).

What are some of the most common units of measurement in Canada?

The nation of Canada switched from the Imperial system to the metric system of measurements in the mid-1970's. The metric system is a decimal system of measurement, which uses meters and kilograms.

What system of measurement does Mexico use?

The Decimal Metric System (litres, meters, kilograms).