

What is the defenetion of axis?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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10y ago

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An axis can be defined as an imaginary line about which a body rotates, In math it can be defined as a fixed reference line for the measurement of coordinates.

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A synonym for the y-axis is the vertical axis. In math, a graph has a vertical and a horizontal axis. Another name for the horizontal axis is the x -axis.

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The vertical axis of a chart is called?

The ordinate axis, often designated as Y axis The horizontakl axis is the abcissa axis, often designated as X axis

What does the x and y axis mean?

The x-axis is the horizontal axis on a graph. The y-axis is the vertical axis on a graph.

What do the x and y axis mean?

The x-axis is the horizontal axis on a graph. The y-axis is the vertical axis on a graph.