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Next to the axis.

Next to the axis.

Next to the axis.

Next to the axis.
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Next to the axis.

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Q: Where do you look for the scale in the x axis or y axis?
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Is the X axis on the horizontal or vertical axis?

The x axis is the horizontal axis. The y axis is the vertical axis.

What does the x and y axis on a coordinate plane look like?

the y-axis is vertical, and the x- axis is horizontal

What is Plotted on the vertical or y axis?

the thing that you are measuring is usually plotted on the Y axis . the X axis is usually time scale

Is the scale on a graph the numbers?

Yes, the numbers on the X-axis and the Y-axis are the scale. The scale determines the value of any given point.

What is a semi-log scale?

It is a coordinate system or graph paper in which one axis (usually the y-axis) is to a logarithmic scale and the other (x-axis) is "normal".

How can you tell whether a point is on the y-axis?

look at its coordinates and if x is zero then it's on the y-axis

Where is y and x axis?

The y- axis in the vertical axis and the x-axis in the horizantal axis

What does a vertex look like on an x and y axis?

a dot

Which comes first x axis or the y axis?

The x-axis comes first. because x comes before y.

Is a vertical like on the Y axis or the X axis?

The vertical axis is the y-axis. The horizontal axis is the x-axis.

How do you make an excel graph with a logarithmic scale?

first make your graph with all the points and then once you've done that and you have your graph... double click on one of the scale values on either the x or y axis, look for the 'scale' tab and check the box 'logarithmic scale'....hope it helps The above is incorrect. There is no option for log scale on the x axis. The data will have to be provided in in logarithmic scale for the x axis to depict it as such.

Where is the X axis and the Y axis in a coordinate plane?

The x axis is horizontal and the y axis is vertical.